AAUW National News

AAUW Fellowships and Grants 125th Anniversary

On Tuesday afternoon, 9/28/21, our branch had a program with an AAUW research in science awardee, Mounmita Dasgupta, from Augsburg. Our St. Paul local culture has such a proud reputation for our local scholarships, but many of us are not as informed about the work our National organization has done for over 125 years. I have been so fortunate to have Minnesota awardees from Augsburg, St. Olaf, St. Cloud, and the University of Minnesota to select from as speakers. Please check out this national video and smile with pride for how a group of women has made an impact in the last 125 years! – Alice Faribault, AAUW Funds Chair

Moumita Dasgupta’s Ted Talk: Driven to Care

Dr. Dasgupta provided us a link to a TED talk from December 2019 in which she discusses the barriers many people experience in finding transportation to necessary services such as medical care, and the innovation software solution she and colleagues designed to integrate patient scheduling with public transportation availability.

Updated: 10/6/21

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2025 AAUW St. Paul Branch