Welcome and About Us


Thank you for checking our website! On behalf of the St. Paul Branch of AAUW, I wish to welcome both members and visitors to our website. You are invited to join us at our weekly Tuesday programs (held from September to April). We have several evening programs and the August Tea scheduled for your enjoyment as well.

Please join us either in-person at our wonderful House or live on Zoom for our great programs!  Also, check out our advocacy on behalf of women on this website.  We have a strong tradition of helping women achieve great things and we are very proud of our various ways in which we support women.  

I will be happy to hear from you and will help you in any way that I can. Please contact me as needed. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president.

Sharon Klumpp
AAUW President, 2024-2026

Our Programs

The St. Paul Branch of AAUW, is one of over 1000 branches nationwide, representing more than 100,000 members who seek personal lifelong development and advocate social change and public policy consistent with gender equity.

Like all AAUW branches, St. Paul AAUW is interested in educational equality and opportunity for women, as well as a wide variety of other social and cultural issues, and this interest is reflected in its programs and events. Unlike many other branches, St. Paul has its own clubhouse, known for many years as the St. Paul College Club. Meetings and events are held at this wonderful 100 year old Summit Avenue mansion, which is located next door to the Minnesota Governor’s Mansion.

From September to early May, the St. Paul Branch meets every Tuesday with programs at 10:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. Lunch is served at noon. Throughout the year, in accordance with our mission statement, speakers are presented by program committees: Public Policy, Amazing Women, International Relations, Diversity, Environment, Cultural Interest, Education and Learning, and Community Projects. There is valet parking for regular meetings. During fall and spring, periodic Thursday Evening Programs are held beginning at 5:30 Social Time, 6:00 Dinner, 7:00 Program.

In addition, there are groups meeting for discussions of books and special interests. Docent-led tours at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts are arranged many months and we also tour The Museum of Russian Art’s special exhibitions.

Throughout the year, projects directed by a Fund Raising Committee raise funds for scholarships for St. Paul high school seniors to attend and continue in college and for the AAUW Educational Opportunities and AAUW Legal Advocacy Funds. To provide for daily maintenance and upkeep of our clubhouse, St. Paul Branch operates a facility rental and catering business focused on weddings known as The St. Paul College Club. The College Club business revenue also provides money for scholarships and our women’s advocacy interests.

Click below to see our St. Paul College Club website.

Updated: 7/17/24

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2025 AAUW St. Paul Branch