Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tech for the Truly Terrified Reference

from Pam Steuart
TechBoomers offers free articles that teach people how to use technology to make their lives easier (and more fun!). Highly recommended!
Tutorials for Social Media – Highly recommended! Includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more
Rick’s Daily Tips – Can sign up for his daily tips list Highly recommended!
How to Use Facebook Tutorials- Highly recommended!
“Stay Safe With Our Facebook Cheat Sheet”
BOOK:  Facebook for Seniors: How to Connect With Friends and Family in 12 Easy Lessons, Carrie Erwin, Chris Erwin, and Cheryl Erwin.
How to Use Twitter Tutorials – Highly recommended!
How to Use Twitter: Critical Tips for New Users
“4 Ways to Use Twitter Without Ever Actually Tweeting,” Time Magazine
“Twitter Chats 101: A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat”
Survey Results: The Best Twitter Chats
Read “How to Control Your Data on Twitter”
Tips to Spot False News
Keyboard Shortcut for Undo
Issue:  when typing email, sometimes some or all of it disappears.
Solution: On Windows computers: Press Ctrl + Z will undo any change.  On Apple computers, use Command + Z.  You can use this shortcut to go back quite a few steps (20 or more!)  Works in most applications (Word, Excel, etc.).