New Members
The American Association of University Women is a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Your membership connects you with more than 170,000 members nationwide and makes AAUW’s powerful voice even stronger on crucial issues affecting women and girls. Your membership also connects you with hundreds of St. Paul Branch members committed to lifelong learning.
Click on the link below to open an application form that you can print and mail with Membership Dues to: Membership Treasurer, AAUW St. Paul, 990 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul MN 55105
2025-2026 St. Paul Branch Member Application
Or, click HERE to complete the Application Form online.
We are working on an online payment system. Currently, you may use the following form if you would like to make your Membership Dues payment by credit card instead of by mailing a check. If you prefer to give your credit card information over the phone rather than mailing that information, you can add that note to your application form and the Membership Treasurer will call you for the information.
Credit Card Authorization Form
Questions? Contact Sue Greimel, Membership Treasurer, at
Membership Renewal
Membership renewal time is rapidly approaching for many of us!
175 expire in June (memberships, not members)!!. To save phone calls, emails, envelope stuffing time, trees, how about renewing online? You can fill out the form any time, then wait until May/June to pay!! Don’t worry, a “friendly” reminder email will be sent if you forget!! Click HERE to to complete the Renewal Form online or HERE to print a renewal! (These links are also found below).
Membership Renewals come due at various times during the year, depending on when you first joined AAUW. Dues cover your membership in National AAUW, MN AAUW, and the St. Paul Branch for one calendar year.
The Membership Treasurer will be in touch with you close to the time of your expiration date to remind you to renew.
Thank you, everyone! We are glad that all of you are members and hope you all will continue your membership.
Membership Dues Renewal Form 2025-26
Or, click HERE to complete the Renewal Form online.
We are working on an online payment system. Currently, you may use the following form if you would like to make your Membership Dues payment by credit card instead of by mailing a check. If you prefer to give your credit card information over the phone rather than mailing that information, you can add that note to your application form and the Membership Treasurer will call you for the information.
Credit Card Authorization Form 2024-25
Questions? Contact Sue Greimel, Membership Treasurer, at
Updated: 3/21/25