Past Presidents

Minnesota American Collegiate Association

Frona Brooks Brooks                               1889-1890
Lulu Daniels                                      1890-1891
Mary Harriman Severance                           1891-1892
Emily Van Vliet                                    1892-1893
Clara Steele Norton Cross                               1893-1894
Louisa H. Richardson                              1894-1895
Josephine Sarles Simpson                                 1895-1896
Mary Case Barney, elected                         1896-1897
Mary G. Stevens, served                           1896-1897
Grace Bramley Mathews                             1897-1899
Josephine Sarles Simpson                                 1899-1901
Louisa H. Richardson                              1901-1902
Clara M. Kellogg                                  1902-1903
Grace Bramley Mathews                             1903-1905
Ina Firkins                                       1905-1906
Alice Ames Winter                                 1906-1907
Mary Case Barney                                  1907-1908

St. Paul College Club

Mary Yardley                                      January 1909
Mary Harriman Severance                           1909-1910
Margaret Muir, served                             1909-1910
Caroline Austin                                   1910-1911
Helen Austin                                      1911-1912
Edith Moore Whitman                               1912-1913
Janet Burns                                       1913-1914
Helen Bigelow Galloway                            1914-1915
Bess Leuthold Beebe                               1915-1917
Caroline Saunders Lindeke                         1917-1918
Anna Reimers Richardson                           1918-1920
Sarah Converse                                    1920-1921

American Association of University Women, St. Paul Branch

Sarah Converse                                         1921-1922
Cornelia Hollinsheld Morgan                            1922-1923
Mary Goodell Mairs                                     1923-1925
Norma S. Poole                                         1925-1927
Louise B. More                                         1927-1929
Ruth Lusk Ramsey                                       1929-1931
Margaret Doty                                          1931-1933
Gertrude Mosler Stark                                  1933-1936
Marguerite Allison Sinclair                            1936-1938
Kathryn Bremer Matson                                  1938-1940
Elma Michel Ficken                                     1940-1942
Elsie Lampert Fesler                                   1942-1944
Ruth Bauske Luedtke                                    1944-1945
Grace Ramsey Borchert                                  1945-1946
Floy Brown Gruenhagen, elected                         1946-1947
Elizabeth Kranz Johnson, served                        1946-1947
Jessie Evans Morris                                    1947-1948
Marion Ashworth Borgeson                               1948-1950
Anne Haedecke Yungbauer                                1950-1952
Irma Hammerbacher Wachtler                             1952-1954
Virginia Cheely Mears                                  1954-1956
Iantha Powrie LeVander                                 1956-1958
Helen Glotzbach Blomquist                              1958-1960
Myrtle Lohner Hatfield                                 1960-1962
Janet Goldenstar Hiebert                               1962-1964
Margery Berens Rogge                                   1964-1966
Mildred Goodson Ellerbe                                1966-1968
Jeannette Rothausen Malone                             1968-1970
Eleanor Monger Sulerud                                 1970-1972
Muriel Oestereich Miller                               1972-1974
Shirley Plefkey Puffer                                 1974-1975
Mary Jean Mooney Jacobowski                            1975-1976
Carol Grewe Grayson                                    1976-1978
Gertrude Lee Winters                                   1978-1980
Ellen Gammel Johnson                                   1980-1982
Inez Riley Gugisberg                                   1982-1984
Marjorie L. Neihart                                    1984-1986
Patricia Winget Lancaster                              1986-1988
Bernadine Peterson McAuley                             1988-1990
Theodora C. Geokezas                                   1990-1992
Billie Nolan Franey                                    1992-1994
Doreen Christenson                                     1994-1996
Norma Cashill, co-president                            1996-1998
Norma Seashore, co-president                           1996-1998
Mary Jo Skaggs                                         1998-2000
Mary Jane Addison                                      2000-2002
Joanne du Bois                                         2002-2004
Margaret Bosshardt                                     2004-2006
Carol Sheggeby                                         2006-2008
Marlys Larsen                                          2008-2010
Alice Faribault                                        2010-2012
Mary Chorewycz                                         2012-2014
Carol Oeltjenbruns                                     2014-2016
Jane Tschida                                           2016-2018
Nancy Creighton                                        2018-2020
Pam Lande2020-2022
Carol Elizabeth Hanson2022-2024

Updated: 6/27/24

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2025 AAUW St. Paul Branch