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AAUW St. Paul has tickets to see

Date: May 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Minnesota History Theatre
Price: $30
Money required by April 15, 2025
Whoa, Nellie! tells the tale of Nellie King, whose criminal exploits, penchant for male attire, and innate moxie made her a Minnesota media sensation during the 1800s. Alas, her blatant disregard for the law leads to a disastrous end while her story brings to light historical issues of gender, addiction, mental health, and celebrity, that resonate today.
This terrific new musical follows her exploits in a funny, fast-paced style while moving to a powerful emotion-packed conclusion. You can find more details HERE on the History Theater website.
AAUW St. Paul has 30 tickets reserved for the matinee performance on May 22.
Join your AAUW friends for a morning of fine, locally-sourced theatre.
Payments needed by April 15.
You can sign up at the club or send your name, email, and a check for $30 to Meg Swanson.
QUESTIONS can be addressed to Meg via email or phone. Meg’s contact information and mailing address are in your Branch Directory.