Take Action!

AAUW Women CONTINUE to Advocate for
A More Perfect State with an Equal Rights Amendment
to our Constitution!

  • Scroll down a bit or click here to find out about AAUW National Two-Minute Activist opportunities.
  • Find out about actions YOU can take to help manage water resources sustainably here.
  • See other resources and links for taking action here.

Don’t Lose HOPE!

If you missed Kelsey Wait’s January 7 presentation, you can view her slides HERE.

Two-Minute Activist – AAUW National
Despair is NOT an option!

Two-Minute Activist is an AAUW National program that provides a quick and easy way to “send emails and texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more.” We need, now more than ever, to be persistent in fighting for equity for women and girls!

To become a “Two-Minute Activist” go to the webpage and simply click on the link for the issue you wish to support to read more about it, then:

  1. fill in your name and address
  2. use the suggested message text or personalize it as you wish
  3. click on “Send Message” and the message will automatically be sent to your US Senators and US Representative

National has taken down the two-minute activist items
for the 118th Congress.
We will start posting activist opportunities for the 119th Congress
once they become available.

Once National starts posting for the new Congress, you will be able to find quick and easy Two-Minute Activist opportunities and signup to get regular action alerts on the National AAUW website.

Take Action Minnesota!

Check here for updates once the 2025 MN Legislative session convenes on January14, 2025.

Why lobby for an Equal Rights Amendment
to the State Constitution? 

  1. Many people believe gender equality is the law of the land but neither the state nor federal constitution specifically provides equal legal protection regardless of gender under the law.
  2. Even though 38 states ratified the national equal rights amendment, they did not do so within the time frame set for ratification in the authorizing legislation.
  3. Bills have been introduced at the federal level to remove the ratification deadline. In the meantime, more than 20 states have included this protection in their state constitutions (see the states HERE).
  4. Early in the 2024 legislative session will be our best chance to help pass a bill to vote on adding an equal rights amendment to the Minnesota Constitution!

Put your support in writing! We are encouraging all members to to call, write, or email their State Senators and Representatives supporting equal rights for all – regardless of gender.

Find contact information for your State Representative and Senator HERE.
Suggested text for your letter: Word FormatPDF Format

More information on the ERA and ERA Minnesota:

Join Kelsey Waits, AAUW MN VP Public Policy, as she reviews a brief history of ERA efforts including why we need it, arguments for and against, why now, and next steps. Video Link

Slides provided by ERA Minnesota.

Branch Advocacy Initiative

Thanks to everyone who responded to the Public Policy & Environment Committee’s Branch Advocacy Survey. The results were used to prepare a resolution on advocacy that was approved by our membership at our 4/25/23 Annual Meeting.

Click HERE to read the survey report.
Click HERE to review the approved resolution.

Watch for emails from our committee and visit this page regularly to get updates and information on actions you can take on important issues. 

Take Action on Managing Water Resources

Many thanks to Maggie Karschnia for a very informative
and action-oriented presentation.
Slides and graphics used with her permission.

In addition to her work at the U’s Water Resources Center and Sea Grant Minnesota, Maggie serves on the Board of the Minnesota Association for Environmental Education. You can learn more about how MAEE works to strengthen the role of education as a solution to our environmental and societal challenges HERE.

Other Resources for Taking Action

  • Find your Federal and State legislators here.
  • Go to https://www.mnvotes.org/ to access comprehensive elections and voting information, including registration and absentee ballots, at the MN Secretary of State website.
  • Set up a MyBills account: MyBills allows you to track House and Senate bills in the Minnesota State Legislature by bill number and topic. When you log in, your bills will be listed along with information about recent or upcoming significant action. You must log in to see this information, MyBills does not send email alerts.
  • Check on individual bills of interest to you in the Minnesota State Legislature here.

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2024 AAUW St. Paul Branch