Morning Discussion Group – First Tuesdays

First Tuesday of the month
Everyone welcome!

WeTalk is an opportunity for members to talk with each other, get to know each other, laugh, learn and enjoy ourselves.  Judy Regan facilitates the discussions. There is no subject expert present, rather just members sharing their thoughts. We meet the first Tuesday of the month in the Gold Room upstairs at 9:30 AM.

Our discussions in the past months have been inspiring. They have been a great opportunity for members to share. We have been touched by the lovely people who have come and shared their ideas. We are getting to know each other on a more personal level. We always leave feeling so blessed to have this time with such wonderful women.


All members are welcome to come to this opportunity to discuss organizing, downsizing, decluttering, etc. Please come if you excel at order or have downsized successfully. We want to hear about your successes. Come if you need ideas on how to accomplish downsizing or putting your spaces/things in order.

Updated: 3/5/25

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2025 AAUW St. Paul Branch