Website Map

Where do I find that on the website?

Use key words or phrases to search the table below for the information you want to find on our website. This table is in the process of being updated, but you should still be able to find the page you are looking for.

You can also review this document from an online website tour that was conducted by our Website Manager back in 2022. It includes some basic definitions of website terminology, as well as information about our website. Please note, though, that there have been some changes to the website since that document was compiled.

MenuTabDrop DownShort descriptionPage Link (URL)
MainUpcoming EventsWelcome and upcoming events
MainAbout UsAbout Us "Index" - list of About Us pages
MainAbout UsWelcome and About UsWelcome from Pres and Program Desc.
MainAbout UsMessage from Our PresidentPresident's Message from the 990
MainAbout UsVisitors GuideBranch overview and 990 with links and personal info edited out.
MainAbout UsRecent Events"Timely Report" material
MainAbout UsContact UsBasic contact info, links to other AAUW sites, map
MainAbout UsMission and VisionMission, Vision, and Diversity
MainAbout UsBranch HistoryShort Branch history
MainAbout UsPast PresidentsList of past Presidents.
MainAbout UsAAUW National NewsItems of interest from National.
MainAbout UsCurrent LeadershipBranch Officers and Board Members
MainScholarshipsScholarships "Index" - List of Scholarship Pages
MainScholarshipsScholarship ProgramDescription of Scholarship Program with links.
MainScholarshipsMeet Our Current ScholarsPhotos of current scholars
MainScholarships2024 Scholarship Application FormsApplication forms.
MainScholarshipsScholarship Trust FundraisingFundraiser results
MainMembershipMembership "Index" - list of Membership pages
MainMembershipJoin UsFlyers and contact info
MainMembershipMembership BenefitsLists of membership benefits
MainMembershipMembership DuesAmount of dues and how much is deductible.
MainMembershipMember Application & Renewal FormsForms for new and renewing members.
MainMembershipNew Members GuideFrequently asked questions (FAQ) for new members and house floor plans.
MainBoards & CommitteesBoards & Committees "Index" - List of password protected publications
MainBoards & CommitteesAnnual ReportsLink to Annual Reports
MainBoards & CommitteesBoard Job DescriptionsList of jobs that download as Word files
MainBoards & CommitteesBoard Meetings & MinutesList of upcoming Board meetings and of minutes that download a Word file or download a PDF. Board meeting Zoom link.
MainBoards & CommitteesBranch Bylaws & Standing RulesLinks to download Bylaws (2021) and Standing Rules (2022)
MainBoards & CommitteesCheck Request FormsIncludes forms for general branch business and speaker honoriariums
MainBoards & CommitteesCommittee RosterList of committees and their members
MainBoards & CommitteesProgram-Related Forms & ListsVarious check lists and instructions, check request form, and historical list of programs
MainProgram InfoProgram Info "Index" - Links to other program pages.
MainProgram Info990 NewsLinks to 990 News editions as far back as Nov-Dec 2015
MainProgram InfoTuesday Program DetailsCurrent and upcoming Tuesday Program details with Zoom and SignUpGenius links.
MainProgram InfoSpecial EventsList of special events.
MainProgram InfoEvening ProgramsList of evening programs.
MainProgram InfoGreat DecisionsTopics and Zoom link.
MainProgram InfoJoy Davis's Literature SeminarReadings and author profiles.
MainProgram InfoMystery Book ClubReadings
MainProgram InfoSummit Avenue ReadersReadings
MainProgram InfoWeTALKWeTALK Topics
MainProgram InfoPoetry Day BookletPoetry Day Program and Booklet of Member poems
MainProgram InfoNo longer on menuLinks to videos of past programs
MainGet Involved!Get Involved! "Index" - List of pages on this tab.
MainGet Involved!Help WantedOpen Leadership Positions
MainGet Involved!Community OutreachCommunity outreach opportunities
MainGet Involved!Take Action!National Two-Minute Activist links and MN Legislature info.
MainGet Involved!Charitable ContributionsGive/giving to AAUW: national, local, memorials, IRA or other investment distributions
Quick Links2025-26 Open Leadership Positions - Help WantedCommittee Chairs and Branch Officers
Quick LinksNominations for 2025 Branch electionDirections and forms for nominations
Quick Links990 News!Opens 990 News page.
Quick LinksQuick Reference CalendarOpens printable QRC
Quick LinksTuesday Program DetailsCurrent and upcoming Tuesday Program details.
Quick LinksWork Smart Online Salary Negotiation Workshop - FreeLinks to AAUW National site.
Button1Searchable Website Map (to help you find what you are looking for)Searchable "map" of the website
Branch InfoAAUW FundInfo on AAUW National Fund.
Branch InfoBook Sale & Book NewsLists details for shopping the bookstore.
Branch InfoDonating a Treasure?Info on how to donate items for the House.
Branch InfoReservations for LunchLunch reservation info.
Button2FBAAUW St. Paul FaceBook page
SPCCPlanning an Event?Info on and link to St. Paul College Club website.
SPCCSt Paul College Club Event and Catering Business.
SPCCSt Paul College Club on Facebook
MainAbout UsStrategic Plan2024-2028 Strategic Plan

Posted: 9/13/24

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2025 AAUW St. Paul Branch